Monday, January 31, 2011

Tiff's First Deer Hunt

Absouletly not!  Those were the two words that came out of my mouth when Michael asked me to go deer hunting with him last month.  I had never been deer hunting in my life, and I wasnt going now....or so I thought!  Michael had been several times over the past few months but did not see anything big enough to shoot.  He thought I might be the "lucky charm" he was hoping for.  I had several things running through my mind.  What would I wear? Could I talk? Could I bring my phone? How long did I have to sit still? I was not sure about all of this.  I finally agreed after much discussion and hesitation.  We packed up one afternoon and made off to McBee, SC.  Michael's step-dad was nice enough to set up several ground blinds so it would be easy for Michael to get in and out of.  We arrived at one of the blinds that afternoon about 3:30pm.  Not long after we arrived, sure enough, several does stepped out.  After watching them eat corn, I was amazed!  We silently watched them for about thirty minutes.  I took out the camera and began filming my first hunting experience.  Finally, Michael reached for the gun, and I began to get nervous!  As he whispered to me which one he was going to shoot, I whispered back "got it."  I did a really good job of filming until he pulled the trigger and I about messed my pants!  Needless to say, the video ended up really shaky when he fired!  He shot a doe that weighed about 130 pounds, so that he could feed us!  If I do say so myself, I did a fantastic job being quiet and still.  I was shocked to realize that I actually enjoyed myself during this hunting trip!  I look forward to going back with him soon...who knows...maybe one day I will shoot one myself!

My first deer hunt!

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