Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lugoff - Rock Hill - Lugoff = craziness, but happy!!

            You could call our last few months a little crazy.  Michael and I had been working in the Rock Hill / Charlotte area for the last year so as most of you know we made the move to Rock Hill in November '12, sort of.  Our home is still for sale in Lugoff and we rented an apartment in Rock Hill for the time being.  Well, after 1 week living in Rock Hill Michael was offered another postion with his company which allows him to work from home most of the time.  Once he accepted that offer we made the move back to Lugoff!  We had a 1 room apartment in Rock Hill and Michael had to have enough room to set up his office for his new position.  Needless to say the 1 bedroom, 700 sq feet was not going to cut it.  We are now back in Lugoff living in our home which is still listed.  This works much better for us as Michael has plenty of room for his office and I continue to drive back and forth to Rock Hill, for the time being.  So, yes we moved to Rock Hill and moved back to Lugoff within 2 weeks.  We just could not stay away from the big city of Lugoff! (sarcasm)  Now that Michael primarily works from home we now have the freedom to live anywhere once our home sells.  We are going through with the sale because our current home is not feasable to our current needs.  So that leaves us with a huge decision to make!?!  Where will we put down our roots?  Well, we have some ideas however we are being tight-lipped for now :)  The big city of Jefferson? Atlanta? Columbia? Woodruff? or maybe even Montana?........We will show our hand soon enough.
         There have been some other changes as well since our last blog.  Drake (our boykin spaniel) came home from summer camp.  Summer camp is my father-in-law's little farm in McBee, SC.  Drake has all the freedom to run, play with other dogs, swim in the pond, and learn some manners.  We are glad to have him home.  We have alot happening in the near future: a trip to NY, my sister's wedding, and hopefully a move.

We are going to miss our home :(

Drake came home from summer camp!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

It's Been A While...

Sorry that it has been so long since we have updated our blog!  We have alot of new information to share with y'all!  First, we welcomed the newest Nicholson to our family...Drake!  He is a beautiful Boykin Spaniel and we named him "Shepherd's Drake Nicholson"!  He is now six months old and a complete mess!  He has brought so much joy to our home since he has been here, but he has also participated in his share of mischevious acts as well.  He swallowed Michael's wedding band a couple of months ago, and we have yet to find it...despite the fact that I scooped poop for a solid three weeks afterward!  Since he is an outside dog, he has also done his fair share of digging in the yard...for those of you who know Michael well...he is not happy about this at all!  Buddy likes Drake on his own terms! 

We also just celebrated our one year wedding anniversary on June 11, 2012!  It certainly doesn't seem like our big day was a year ago, but we are still very much in love and happy with our life together!  We participated in the traditional celebration of eating the top layer of our wedding cake, and it was still pretty darn good a year later!  Buddy and Drake also got to sample the cake, and they were fans of it too. 

Since Michael works in Charlotte, we have been in the process of selling our first home and moving to the Rock Hill/Fort Mill area.  We hope to sell our house very soon, since I was offered at teaching position in Rock Hill!  I will be teaching fourth grade!  I'm very excited about this new journey in our lives, and I know we will be happy no matter where we live.  As long as we have each other, we will be successful!

1 year ago!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Gone to Gatlinburg!

Back in October of 2011, we went on a trip to the mountains with my Grandma & Grandpa Wilson and my Daddy!  My grandparents have a home in Gatlinburg, and it was always our family vacation spot when I was growing up.  I'm not sure why, but Michael had never been up there, so we planned a weekend to go!  The weather was absolutely beautiful, and the leaves were gorgeous!  Nothing like fall in the Smoky Mountains!  We arrived on Friday much later than expected due to traffic on the interstate, but we made it!  We ate our Subway dinner at midnight, and surprisingly my grandparents were still awake!  Michael got a mini tour as soon as we got there!  On Saturday, we went to Pigeon Forge to eat breakfast and then went to the shops in downtown Gatlinburg!  Of course, Michael would have sat on the sidewalk all day just to people watch!  We stopped in Aunt Mahalia's to get some caramel apples, fudge, and candy!  We went back to the house where we took lots of pictures and Grandma made Michael's favorite dinner...spaghetti!  After dinner, we played another childhood favorite...UNO!  My daddy ended up winning, and Michael came in last place...which was long as Grandpa didn't end up in last place!  On Sunday morning, we packed up and headed home.  Before we got on the Foothills Parkway, we stopped and had breakfast at a local diner.  We will always cherish that memory with my family, and we are already planning another trip in March! 

Grandma & Grandpa Wilson

The Nicholson's

View from back porch

Sunday, November 27, 2011

What Really Matters.......

It has been awhile since Tiff has updated her blog so I am taking it upon myself to write about something that
has truly touched Tiffany and myself.  While browsing the Internet a few weeks back I came across a story that was heartbreaking as well as heart warming.  I think it hit close to home with us because we could relate so much with this story that I had come across.  I will spare you the details however in short it is basically about a couple, Jimmy & Jamie Moore, who were married June 11th 2011 (same day as our wedding) and are having to dealwith a life changing situation.  There are several similarities with this couple and with Tiff and myself, almost a frightening amount. We were both married on June 11th, 2011, both from South Carolina, both have had a recent and a major challenge dealing with a spinal cord injury, both have spent time at Shepherd Center in Atlanta (Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Hospital), and both on the same hospital floor while at Shepherd Center which in turn we shared the same nurses, doctors, etc.  We were at Shepherd from August 2010 to late September 2010 and Jimmy started there in August 2011 and they are currently still there.  Jimmy was in a severe car accident in the upstate of South Carolina this year while working for a local news station in Greenville, SC.  During the accident Jimmy suffered a spinal cord injury which forced Jimmy to undergo several operations in the hospital and to spend time at the Shepherd Center for rehab.  In reading Jimmy's story that I just happened to come across it made me think a little. I found myself almost obsessed with their story and what they are having to endure.  I sat there that night reading every journal update on their caring bridge website (
and often times going back and re-reading the updates and breaking down.  This couple had just begun their life journey together and now they are having to deal with a terrible hand that they were dealt.  I found myself almost feeling guilty for "thinking" I had problems and complaints about what was going on in my life and our littleday to day troubles like getting up going to work, sitting in traffic, having to work so much, etc.  It made me think our little day to day troubles are nothing, they are little mis-haps that we should not worry about and shouldnot spend time complaining about because there are people out there that are really dealing with bad situations and having to go through a hell of alot more than you and me.  It made me think how much time we all waist worrying about things that are so un-important. "How am I going to get all this work done?", "When will I be able to get myself a new car?", "when am I going to get that big raise at work?", "How am I going to be able to afford the new I Phone so I fit in with my friends?" All of this is not important and all of this we all spend time worrying about and complaining and trying to "achieve" a certain status in society.  I almost get mad just thinking about this and that I have been apart of the same culture that thought this way for so long.  It is sad that a situation like Jimmy's had to slap me in the face to get me to realize all of this is so un-important and really does not matter. What really matters is helping people that are going through real challenges and are having to deal with real problems.  Most of you like myself have a pretty easy life and when it comes down to it really don't have huge obstacles in our life that we have to deal with, we are very fortunate.  We should be happy about this and not complaining and troubled over day to day non-sense that really does not matter.  I know after reading Jimmy & Jamie's story I have found myself wanting to help more people who are really in need and wanting to encourage people who really have obstacles to over-come.  I encourage you to visit Jimmy's sites and read his story about what they are having to go through and the challenges that Jimmy and Jamie have to endure.  It really is a life changing not only for them but also for me, no longer will I worry about those deadlines at work, about trying to have that nice car because we need to fit in with friends, neighbors, etc., and about all of that non-sense.  I am more encouraged to help people who are really in need and help people who really have challenges to endure.

Another observation that struck me when reading Jimmy's story is how luck Jimmy and myself are to have a loving wife who never wavered when faced with adversity.  Solid as a rock.!/jimmymoorefund

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wheeling in New Directions!

Yesterday we attended the WIND (Wheeling in New Directions) conference that is sponsored by the South Carolina Spinal Cord Injury Association ( ) in Columbia.  We enjoyed seeing some of our friends from Shepherd Center Rehabilitation Hospital there as well!  The absolute highlight of our day was having the chance to meet Cody Unser!  She is the founder of the Cody Unser First Step Foundation ( )  Like Michael, she was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis and paralyzed at the age of 12.  She has truly been an inspiration to us over the past year.  We have continuously followed her foundation and her progress.  She is basically TM's advocate who is truly motivated to find a cure.  Cody has spent countless hours on capital hill lobbying for funding to keep TM in the forefront.  She and Michael talked about racing as well (she is the daughter of Al Unser, Jr.)!  We had a great day, and really enjoyed the inspirational speakers! 

Michael and Cody

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Gamecock Football

We kicked off the South Carolina Gamecock football season with a party at our house yesterday!  Some of our closest friends came to celebrate the season...Adam & Laura, Melissa & Travis, Chad & Kaitlin, and Crystal!  We began the party with a cookout that consisted of grilled chicken, hot dogs, brats, beans, pasta salad, macaroni & cheese, ranch dip, chips & salsa, and the famous buffalo chicken dip!  After much anxiety during the first quarter, we began playing Catch Phrase during commercials and half-time!  Needless to say, the women (ONCE AGAIN!) beat the men...hands down!  Thank goodness Carolina decided to play the rest of the game, and we won!  This time last year, we were watching football from the hospital room and preparring for our journey to the Shepherd Center in is crazy thinking back to those days.  We have come so far as a couple, and we are so fortunate to have the opportunity to host gatherings at our house with some of our dearest friends!  We can't wait for the next one!!! 

BTW Did Clemson play yesterday?  Who cares!!!!!!!

Crystal & Tiff

Chad, Kaitlyn, & Crystal

Adam & Laura

Travis & Melissa

Michael & Tiff

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

We finally made it home last night around 10:00pm.  It seemed as if it took so much longer to get home than it did to get there.  We are both exhausted and looking forward to some rest and relaxation.  We had a blast and we are looking forward to visiting the Big Apple again sometime.  You hear alot of talk about how rude the people are and how different it is to the South.  From our experience this is not 100% true.  Overall the people were very nice however there is always a few you run into that are rude and obnoxious.  Rude....No, in a hurry....YES!  These people act as if there is something on fire.  They walk extremely fast, drive extremely fast, talk fast, and completely ignore traffic laws.  If you step out into the street you best be ready to dodge cars.  You also hear alot about how dirty NYC is.  It is just like every other city, some parts of the city are clean and pretty and there are other parts that are down right disgusting.  China Town is one of those disgusting places.  If you have been there before you know exactly what I am talking about.  China Town is a very busy part of NYC and has some very dedicated "salesmen" there.  It is very interesting to see these people work, they are at it all day long.  "You want Coach?, You want Rolex?, How about Versace?, come with me down this alley."  Scary place.  This was an amazing trip for us and we definitely recommend everyone should visit there at least once in their lifetime. Would I go back? Yes.  Would I live there?  Never!!

The craziness of Times Square

NYC skyline at sunset.