Sunday, September 4, 2011

Gamecock Football

We kicked off the South Carolina Gamecock football season with a party at our house yesterday!  Some of our closest friends came to celebrate the season...Adam & Laura, Melissa & Travis, Chad & Kaitlin, and Crystal!  We began the party with a cookout that consisted of grilled chicken, hot dogs, brats, beans, pasta salad, macaroni & cheese, ranch dip, chips & salsa, and the famous buffalo chicken dip!  After much anxiety during the first quarter, we began playing Catch Phrase during commercials and half-time!  Needless to say, the women (ONCE AGAIN!) beat the men...hands down!  Thank goodness Carolina decided to play the rest of the game, and we won!  This time last year, we were watching football from the hospital room and preparring for our journey to the Shepherd Center in is crazy thinking back to those days.  We have come so far as a couple, and we are so fortunate to have the opportunity to host gatherings at our house with some of our dearest friends!  We can't wait for the next one!!! 

BTW Did Clemson play yesterday?  Who cares!!!!!!!

Crystal & Tiff

Chad, Kaitlyn, & Crystal

Adam & Laura

Travis & Melissa

Michael & Tiff

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