Saturday, June 18, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

We finally made it home last night around 10:00pm.  It seemed as if it took so much longer to get home than it did to get there.  We are both exhausted and looking forward to some rest and relaxation.  We had a blast and we are looking forward to visiting the Big Apple again sometime.  You hear alot of talk about how rude the people are and how different it is to the South.  From our experience this is not 100% true.  Overall the people were very nice however there is always a few you run into that are rude and obnoxious.  Rude....No, in a hurry....YES!  These people act as if there is something on fire.  They walk extremely fast, drive extremely fast, talk fast, and completely ignore traffic laws.  If you step out into the street you best be ready to dodge cars.  You also hear alot about how dirty NYC is.  It is just like every other city, some parts of the city are clean and pretty and there are other parts that are down right disgusting.  China Town is one of those disgusting places.  If you have been there before you know exactly what I am talking about.  China Town is a very busy part of NYC and has some very dedicated "salesmen" there.  It is very interesting to see these people work, they are at it all day long.  "You want Coach?, You want Rolex?, How about Versace?, come with me down this alley."  Scary place.  This was an amazing trip for us and we definitely recommend everyone should visit there at least once in their lifetime. Would I go back? Yes.  Would I live there?  Never!!

The craziness of Times Square

NYC skyline at sunset.

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