Saturday, June 18, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

We finally made it home last night around 10:00pm.  It seemed as if it took so much longer to get home than it did to get there.  We are both exhausted and looking forward to some rest and relaxation.  We had a blast and we are looking forward to visiting the Big Apple again sometime.  You hear alot of talk about how rude the people are and how different it is to the South.  From our experience this is not 100% true.  Overall the people were very nice however there is always a few you run into that are rude and obnoxious.  Rude....No, in a hurry....YES!  These people act as if there is something on fire.  They walk extremely fast, drive extremely fast, talk fast, and completely ignore traffic laws.  If you step out into the street you best be ready to dodge cars.  You also hear alot about how dirty NYC is.  It is just like every other city, some parts of the city are clean and pretty and there are other parts that are down right disgusting.  China Town is one of those disgusting places.  If you have been there before you know exactly what I am talking about.  China Town is a very busy part of NYC and has some very dedicated "salesmen" there.  It is very interesting to see these people work, they are at it all day long.  "You want Coach?, You want Rolex?, How about Versace?, come with me down this alley."  Scary place.  This was an amazing trip for us and we definitely recommend everyone should visit there at least once in their lifetime. Would I go back? Yes.  Would I live there?  Never!!

The craziness of Times Square

NYC skyline at sunset.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Our Last Full Day in the Big City! was our last full day in NYC!  We woke up REALLY early...5:15 I go stand outside at the Today Show.  We took our sign that we made that said "Newlyweds from South Carolina...Michael and Tiffany Nicholson!"  When we got there, we were taken to the front row/behind the scenes.  Several security guards from the show came over and talked to us, and even gave us a copy of the actual script for today's show.  We were able to tell exactly what was going to happen minute by minute, and this allowed us to be ready for the live camera shots.  Ann Curry came over and introduced herself and took a picture with us.  We were told that Jim Carrey wasn't going to come outside, but then he did!  He was nice enough to take a picture with us also!  I believe several people from home saw us, and said that we were on tv a couple of times!  We are so excited to get home and see ourselves on tv!  After the show, we went on a NYC sightseeing bus tour of the downtown area.  We saw Ground Zero, the Empire State building, Wall Street, and Chinatown.  I must say that Chinatown was an experience...any of you that have been there know exactly what I mean!  Needless to say...we did some "shopping" in of the things I told Michael we HAD to save money for!!!!  We also went through SoHo which is the area that the Kardashians have their store Dash, but we didn't see the actual store.  The tour continued down 5th Avenue and Central Park before it dropped us back at our hotel.  After our bus tour, we were so exhausted that we came back to nap for a while before going to dinner.  We ate dinner at the famous Famiglia Pizzeria...the "Official Pizza of The New York Yankees!"  Of course...Michael ate spaghetti...I think he was having withdrawals.  We are coming home tomorrow, but before we leave...we have a concert to attend!  The security guards at the Today Show invited us back tomorrow morning to see Kenny Chesney's concert...AND...they are going to put us right beside the stage!!!!!  Look for us in the morning...we will have our sign again! 

Our sign at the Today Show

Ann Curry from the Today Show

Jim Carrey

Wall Street in the Financial  Distirct

Rockafeller Plaza

Just a Typical Day in NYC!

Well, our third day in NYC was very exciting.  We started off the morning at Live with Regis & Kelly show.  Very exciting experience as to how the show operates and the "behind the scenes" action.  The set is much smaller in person and alot goes into making the show work, espically when it is live.  Ryan Reynolds and Larry the Cable Guy were on the show.  We were seated in the first row so we got to chit chat with Regis during commercial breaks and even got a picture with him.   According to friends back home we were shown on TV a few times.  After Live we made our way down to Fifth Ave. to do a little shopping, or look around rather.  This is where all of the expensive and exclusive stores are located.  From Tiffany's, Macy's, Luis Vuitton, Rolex, etc.  Needless to say we did not purchase anything however it was a good experience just to walk around in those stores.  After Fifth Ave. we got a quick bite to eat and headed down  to the Hudson River to take a sunset cruise of the NY coastline and the Statue of Liberty.  This was very cool to see every part of the town's coastline.  The boat took us by the Statue of Liberty so we were able to get some good photos of her as well as the NY skyline lite up.  After all of this we are dead tired and called it a night.  We were up today at 5:30am to catch the Today Show with Matt Lauer.  We will blog more about the Today show and our 4th day in NYC later.

Regis & I

Larry the Cable Guy

Behind the scenes of Live!

Shopping at Tiffany & Co,

Statue Of Liberty

NYC skyline from our cruise

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our First Full Day in NYC!

Today was our first full day in the big city!  We started out our day with breakfast at the hotel, and then we took a stroll down Broadway.  We were fascinated by all of the buildings and views!  While we were waiting to go into the Late Show with David Letterman, we stopped and had lunch at Ellen's Stardust Diner.  We got to sit outside and "people watch" while we ate.  Then we headed to the Late Show at the Ed Sullivan Theatre.  You wouldn't believe the line of people waiting to get in there!  We were moved to the front of the line since we were on "Lisa's Gold List" from when I won the tickets, so we got to see first hand the Spiderman stunt show that was being recorded for the show!  We were also the first ones to be seated inside the theater.  It was amazing to be inside the theater and see all of the people and technology that makes the show!  David Letterman was exactly the same in person as he is on television.  The guests were Ryan Reynolds, the cast of "Anything Goes," and a chef from NY.  We enjoyed listening to Paul Shaffer and the CBS Orchestra during commercial breaks too.  The episode will be shown tonight at 11:30pm  It started raining right before dinner, so we went across the street  from the hotel and had pizza from the Famous Amadeus Pizza!  We will be up early in the morning to go to Live with Regis and Kelly!  Show will be of course live so check us out at 9am.

Famous Late Show Sign

Lunch at Ellen's Stardust Diner in Times Square

Spider Man on fire!! Taped for a portin of tonights Late Show.

On Broadway

What are these people thinking with these water ski's for shoes?!  New Yorkers.......and they say this is the mecca of fashion,,,,,,??

Waiting to go in.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Nicholson's Take New York!! (sort of)

Well we have arrived in the Big Apple!  I have many impressions of my very first day in NYC.  Choatic, crazy, busy, dirty, hectic, breath taking just to name a few.  We have always heard how busy NYC is however words cannot explain rush hour in Times Square.  We literally sat back in awe.  Bicycles flying by at 30 mph weaving in and out of traffic, taxis completely ignoring walking lanes and speed limits, pedestrians playing dodge ball with taxis, people walking as if they are in a walking race.  It really has not all set in yet......This place is nuts!!!  We arrived a little after 6pm and have basically been people watching since.  We could literally set up shop on the sidewalk and just watch the crazies all day long.  You name a nationality and its here.  We finally took a break from people watching in Times Square to grab a bite to eat at Gossip Irish Pub & Grill.  Really good 3 cheese ravioli with spicy grilled shrimp.  Tomorrow we will be at The Late Show with David Letterman at 3pm for tomorrow nights show.  Who knows? might catch us on TV!

Almost there!

View out of our window

Complete Chaos!
In Times Square

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's Official!!

Well, in case you have not heard the good news......I am now Mrs. Nicholson.  Michael & I were married yesterday at 6pm in my home town of Woodruff, South Carolina.  Everything went great and it was nothing short of beautiful.  We could not be more blessed to have such great family and friends to share this day with.  Every person at the wedding has supported us in some form or fashion during our relationship.  As you know our relationship has been tested in the past few months however we are stronger now than we have ever been.  We truly appreciate all of our family and friends and all they have done for us.   Tomorrow morning we are off to NYC for our honeymoon. We have quite a bit planned to keep us busy.  Tuesday afternoon we will be attending the David Letterman show, Wednesday morning we will be at Live with Regis & Kelly, and Thursday we are planning on attending the Today Show with Matt Lauer.  Any advice or suggestions......?   We are very excited and we will keep our blog updated as much as possible.

"Love is what you've been through with somebody."
James Thurber

On the dance floor!

The Bride

My beautiful bridesmaids