Monday, June 13, 2011

The Nicholson's Take New York!! (sort of)

Well we have arrived in the Big Apple!  I have many impressions of my very first day in NYC.  Choatic, crazy, busy, dirty, hectic, breath taking just to name a few.  We have always heard how busy NYC is however words cannot explain rush hour in Times Square.  We literally sat back in awe.  Bicycles flying by at 30 mph weaving in and out of traffic, taxis completely ignoring walking lanes and speed limits, pedestrians playing dodge ball with taxis, people walking as if they are in a walking race.  It really has not all set in yet......This place is nuts!!!  We arrived a little after 6pm and have basically been people watching since.  We could literally set up shop on the sidewalk and just watch the crazies all day long.  You name a nationality and its here.  We finally took a break from people watching in Times Square to grab a bite to eat at Gossip Irish Pub & Grill.  Really good 3 cheese ravioli with spicy grilled shrimp.  Tomorrow we will be at The Late Show with David Letterman at 3pm for tomorrow nights show.  Who knows? might catch us on TV!

Almost there!

View out of our window

Complete Chaos!
In Times Square

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