Thursday, June 16, 2011

Our Last Full Day in the Big City! was our last full day in NYC!  We woke up REALLY early...5:15 I go stand outside at the Today Show.  We took our sign that we made that said "Newlyweds from South Carolina...Michael and Tiffany Nicholson!"  When we got there, we were taken to the front row/behind the scenes.  Several security guards from the show came over and talked to us, and even gave us a copy of the actual script for today's show.  We were able to tell exactly what was going to happen minute by minute, and this allowed us to be ready for the live camera shots.  Ann Curry came over and introduced herself and took a picture with us.  We were told that Jim Carrey wasn't going to come outside, but then he did!  He was nice enough to take a picture with us also!  I believe several people from home saw us, and said that we were on tv a couple of times!  We are so excited to get home and see ourselves on tv!  After the show, we went on a NYC sightseeing bus tour of the downtown area.  We saw Ground Zero, the Empire State building, Wall Street, and Chinatown.  I must say that Chinatown was an experience...any of you that have been there know exactly what I mean!  Needless to say...we did some "shopping" in of the things I told Michael we HAD to save money for!!!!  We also went through SoHo which is the area that the Kardashians have their store Dash, but we didn't see the actual store.  The tour continued down 5th Avenue and Central Park before it dropped us back at our hotel.  After our bus tour, we were so exhausted that we came back to nap for a while before going to dinner.  We ate dinner at the famous Famiglia Pizzeria...the "Official Pizza of The New York Yankees!"  Of course...Michael ate spaghetti...I think he was having withdrawals.  We are coming home tomorrow, but before we leave...we have a concert to attend!  The security guards at the Today Show invited us back tomorrow morning to see Kenny Chesney's concert...AND...they are going to put us right beside the stage!!!!!  Look for us in the morning...we will have our sign again! 

Our sign at the Today Show

Ann Curry from the Today Show

Jim Carrey

Wall Street in the Financial  Distirct

Rockafeller Plaza

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