Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just a Typical Day in NYC!

Well, our third day in NYC was very exciting.  We started off the morning at Live with Regis & Kelly show.  Very exciting experience as to how the show operates and the "behind the scenes" action.  The set is much smaller in person and alot goes into making the show work, espically when it is live.  Ryan Reynolds and Larry the Cable Guy were on the show.  We were seated in the first row so we got to chit chat with Regis during commercial breaks and even got a picture with him.   According to friends back home we were shown on TV a few times.  After Live we made our way down to Fifth Ave. to do a little shopping, or look around rather.  This is where all of the expensive and exclusive stores are located.  From Tiffany's, Macy's, Luis Vuitton, Rolex, etc.  Needless to say we did not purchase anything however it was a good experience just to walk around in those stores.  After Fifth Ave. we got a quick bite to eat and headed down  to the Hudson River to take a sunset cruise of the NY coastline and the Statue of Liberty.  This was very cool to see every part of the town's coastline.  The boat took us by the Statue of Liberty so we were able to get some good photos of her as well as the NY skyline lite up.  After all of this we are dead tired and called it a night.  We were up today at 5:30am to catch the Today Show with Matt Lauer.  We will blog more about the Today show and our 4th day in NYC later.

Regis & I

Larry the Cable Guy

Behind the scenes of Live!

Shopping at Tiffany & Co,

Statue Of Liberty

NYC skyline from our cruise

1 comment:

  1. This trip has truly been blessed by God! You two have had opportunities that few others could imagine. I am just thrilled at how magical your time has been and cannot wait to hear even more!!!
