Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our First Full Day in NYC!

Today was our first full day in the big city!  We started out our day with breakfast at the hotel, and then we took a stroll down Broadway.  We were fascinated by all of the buildings and views!  While we were waiting to go into the Late Show with David Letterman, we stopped and had lunch at Ellen's Stardust Diner.  We got to sit outside and "people watch" while we ate.  Then we headed to the Late Show at the Ed Sullivan Theatre.  You wouldn't believe the line of people waiting to get in there!  We were moved to the front of the line since we were on "Lisa's Gold List" from when I won the tickets, so we got to see first hand the Spiderman stunt show that was being recorded for the show!  We were also the first ones to be seated inside the theater.  It was amazing to be inside the theater and see all of the people and technology that makes the show!  David Letterman was exactly the same in person as he is on television.  The guests were Ryan Reynolds, the cast of "Anything Goes," and a chef from NY.  We enjoyed listening to Paul Shaffer and the CBS Orchestra during commercial breaks too.  The episode will be shown tonight at 11:30pm  It started raining right before dinner, so we went across the street  from the hotel and had pizza from the Famous Amadeus Pizza!  We will be up early in the morning to go to Live with Regis and Kelly!  Show will be of course live so check us out at 9am.

Famous Late Show Sign

Lunch at Ellen's Stardust Diner in Times Square

Spider Man on fire!! Taped for a portin of tonights Late Show.

On Broadway

What are these people thinking with these water ski's for shoes?!  New Yorkers.......and they say this is the mecca of fashion,,,,,,??

Waiting to go in.

1 comment:

  1. I am living vicariously through your NYC travels...keep the details coming, and enjoy!!!
